
  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

    The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security - MASE - plays a crucial role in the Government's efforts to protect the environment. MASE's actions are focused on preserving the territory and water resources, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, endangered animal and plant species, land and waterway reclamation, reducing sources of pollution and emissions of climate-changing gases, within the context of the global warming challenge. The Ministry ensures the safety of infrastructures, energy and geo-mineral systems, supply efficiency, competitiveness, and the promotion of renewable energy.
    Minister: Prof. Dr. Gilberto Pichetto Fratin

  • City of Capri

    The origins of the island of Capri date back to the 7th – 6th century BC when Aegean people founded a colony on the island. Since then, all subsequent civilizations have left lasting traces (The Roman Emperors Augustus and Tiberius lived here). As Capri evolved from an agricultural and maritime economy towards a tourist economy, it has gained services and infrastructures rendering the area the modern and efficient international tourist resort that it is today. It has been the vacationing place for famous writers, artists, scientists, royalty and politicians from all over the world, lured by the mild climate, the numerous natural wonders and historic monuments. From an administrative point of view, the island is divided into two municipalities, Capri and Anacapri. The town is managed by means of a distribution of tourist flows throughout the year, with particular emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment. Capri boasts a series of advanced waste collection and sanitation services and modern waste  management strategies (separate collection, composting, etc.)
    Mayor: Marino Lembo

  • ISPRA - Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
    The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), acts under the vigilance and policy guidance of the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare). ISPRA works with numerous European and international environmental scientific and technical institutes and organizations, in the implementation of its institutional mandate and in cooperation with the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (MATTM), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MIPAAF) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
  • ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
    ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development. Since its foundationin the 1960s, its strengths have been applied research, technology transfer and technical-scientific support to companies, associations, territories, central and local administrations: for this reason - unlike other research institutions - the Agency depends on the Ministry of Economic Development. Among the emerging issues, ENEA supports the productive system as well as public authorities (Ministry of environment and Ministry of economic development in particular) in the transition towards the circular economy and the resource efficiency.
  • Tavolo di Roma - Think Tank on WM
    SUM 2024 is held under the aegis of Tavolo di Roma.
    Tavolo di Roma (TdR) is a “think-tank”, a multidisciplinary platform for fostering discussion on sustainable waste management, linking the scientific community, with politicians, administrators  and society. Member of TdR  are Italian Parliament members from the main parties, and no-stakeholder scientists from different fields (environmental engineering, law, economy, sociology, comunication, medicine, etc.).
    The official website of Tavolo di Roma will be soon available.
    President: Paolo Russo