SESSION A6 / Cinema Hall / 16 maggio 2024 / 17:30 - 18:30
Communication and education
Chair / Presidente: Ian Williams (UK)
G. De Feo (IT)
Educating for a circular future: from kindergarten to higher education
I.D. Williams, T. J. Roberts, L.M. Zapata-Restrepo, M. Neophytou, A. Ktoris, A. Maragkidou, J.-P. Jalkanen (GB)
Communicating outputs, outcomes and impacts of waste-related research: the "EMERGE" case study
R.C.C.M. Micaroni, A.R. de Almeida, W.R. Rodrigues da Silva (BR)
Local waste management plans as a tool for waste management and prevention at University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
F. Da Porto, S. Gross, M.C. Lavagnolo (IT)
Circular Economy at the University of Padova