SESSION A9 / Cinema Hall / 17 maggio 2024 / 11:40 - 12:40
Circular Economy in Industries
Chair / Presidente: Pierre Hennebert (FR)
S. Potgieter-Vermaak, B. Sibiya, S. Mafulul, C. Candeias, J.H. Potgieter, H. Mouri (GB)
Consequences of a non-circular economy approach in the mining industry
E. Giansante, G. Timelli, A. Fabrizi (IT)
Impact of chemical composition on hot tearing in secondary wrought aluminum alloys
G. Mancini, A. Luciano, L. Lombardi, D. Fino (IT)
Smart cities and industrial districts development through the Is-based waste-wastewater-energy nexus
N. Daza-Marquez, A. Guzmán, Y. Ávila, J. Abellán-García (CO)
Incorporating industrial wastes into mortar mix production: a step towards sustainable construction