SESSION C5 / Hotel Syrene / 16 maggio 2024 / 15:00 - 16:00
Workshop: Circular Economy & Biodiversity
Chair / Presidente: Maria Cristina Lavagnolo (IT)
The loss of biodiversity is one of the most dramatic consequences of climate change and human impact. For several years, the importance of biodiversity for our planet has been underestimated, especially for its economic relevance on our extractive economies. Biodiversity provides several ecosystem services essential for human life such as food, materials, clean water, climate regulation, and many others. Therefore, a relationship of impact and/or dependency between biodiversity and economic activities exists. The circular economy, aiming to reduce the exploitation of non-renewable resources and the ever-increasing production of waste, can play a crucial role in reducing negative impacts on the environment and be one of the main drivers for the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. In this session, researchers of the National Biodiversity Future Center will discuss the current practices for evaluating the impacts of business activities on biodiversity and/or ecosystem services and to explore the economic valuation methods for valuing ecosystem services in the framework of waste management.
Introductory lectures:
S. Tessitore, F. Testa, N.M. Todaro, D. Tosi, V. di Iorio (IT)
Managing the business and biodiversity relationship: a systematic review
G. Felici, M.C. Lavagnolo (IT)
Economic valuation of ecosystem services in the waste management framework: case study of Aquanova