21-23 MAGGIO 2025 / PROCIDA, Napoli

Workshop: Landfill Mining

SESSION C6 / Hotel Syrene / 16 maggio 2024 / 17:30 - 18:30

Workshop: Landfill Mining

Chair / Presidente: Raffaello Cossu (IT)

Landfill Mining has gained increasing attention in recent years, due to its potential in circular economy strategies.
Several different approaches and different technologies for processing excavated waste are available. However, the economic feasibility of full scale applications is still the bottleneck for the valorization of landfilled waste as materials and/or energy and most reported case studies refer to the simple excavation and further deposit in new landfill sectors. Research projects are being carried out with the aim of developing cost effective technologies for the application of LFM for resource recovery.
Goal of this session is to present the state of the art in Landfill Mining research.

Introductory lectures:

  • J.H. Potgieter, C. Mahlangu (ZA)

    Separating titanium and iron from an old Ferrovanadium producer waste dump

  • R. Cossu (IT)

    Landfill mining: investigations, technologies and opportunities for resources recovery

  • D. Sinnett, A.M. Sardo, N. Owen (GB)

    Moving waste storage towards a circular economy: barriers and opportunities

  • G. Perillo (IT)

    Landfill Mining intervention on MSW sites - A case study