SESSION C8 / Hotel Syrene / 17 maggio 2024 / 10:30 - 11:30
Chair / Presidente: Francesca Pagnanelli (IT)
C. Maucieri, S. Gross, M. Carraro (IT)
DESs for the extraction of metal ions from spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
A. Barrera, C. Binet, I. Benabela, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke (FR)
Gel polymer electrolytes elaborated by Uv-Irradiation for the eco-design of Li-Ion batteries
F. Pagnanelli, P. Altimari, P.G. Schiavi, L. D’Annibale, A. Mancini, M. Colasanti, E. Moscardini, L. Toro, L. Baldassari, L. Toro (IT)
Li-ion battery recycling at pilot scale: demonstrating the re-synthesis route also for NMC-LFP mixed black mass
D.S. Premathilake, C. Milanese, M. Vaccari (IT)
Assessing the energy storage potential of Graphene Oxide synthesized from hydrometallurgically recovered Graphite from End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion batteries (EoL EV LIBs)