
La sessione Poster sarà resa accessibile digitalmente attraverso l'app del Simposio e tramite 3 postazioni pc sempre disponibili nel foyer del Centro Congressi per visualizzare tutte le presentazioni poster e contattare gli autori per eventuali domande e approfondimenti sui poster.

P01 / C. Álvarez-Alonso, M.D. Pérez-Murcia, N. Manrique, S. Sánchez Méndez, E. Martínez-Sabater, I. Irigoien, M. López, R. Moral, M.A. Bustamante (ES)
Exploring decentralized composting models: a case study of municipal waste management in Spain

P02 / C. Álvarez-Alonso, M.A. Bustamante, N. Manrique, S. Sánchez Méndez, E. Martínez-Sabater, E. Agulló, I. Irigoien, M. López, R. Moral, I. Nogués, M.D. Pérez-Murcia (ES) 
Management of municipal organic waste in a circular economy context: evaluation of the process and quality of compost produced in rural areas of the Valencian Community (Spain)

P03 / M. Cambal Holosova, A. Estokova, A. Sicakova (SK) 
Evaluating the suitability of secondary raw materials in cement composites for enhanced durability against sulfate attack

P04 / D. Fico, D. Rizzo, F. Malinconico, C. Esposito Corcione (IT) 
Innovative methodology for recycling organic and inorganic waste for the production of three-dimensional objects by means of 3D printing

P05 / E. Gagliano, L. Moreschi, M. Gallo, A. Del Borghi (IT)
Development of new LCA-based indicator in the framework of WEF Nexus

P06 / J. Havranová, S. Čerňanský (SK) 
Fungal biosorption as promising tool for bioremoval of arsenic from aqueous solutions

P07 / F. Cecchini, G. Mazziotti di Celso, K. Ayedi, V. Innocenzi, M. Prisciandaro (IT) 
Integrated process scheme of wastewater treatment and desalination to encourage the reuse of water

P08 / S. Ronconi, L. Di Paola, A. Vincenti, V. Piemonte, M. Capocelli, M. Prisciandaro (IT)
Biogas and leachate production in MSW landfill: experimental data and statistical modeling

P09 / P.M.S.M. Rodrigues, J. Esteves da Silva (PT) 
Towards a Circular Economy: A comprehensive policy framework for packaging waste management in the European Union

P10 / A. Accardo, G. Gentilucci, M. Golabchi, G. Dotelli, E. Spessa (IT)
How important is vehicle recycling?

P11 / A. Sharifi, G. Campo, A. Cerutti, B. Ruffino, M. Zanetti (IT) 
Biological methane production from hydrogen and carbon dioxide

P12 / D. Karimian, Z. Smania, S. Gross, M. Carraro (IT) 
Valorizing textile wastes through the extraction of nanocellulose utilizing DEEP eutectic solvents

P13 / M. Bullo, M. Ragazzi, F. Romagnoli, E.C. Rada (IT) 
An integrated research on modular gasification of municipal solid waste – LCA on Riga’s cement factory

P14 / D. Sica, B. Esposito, V. L'Abate, N. Raimo, S. Supino (IT)
Impacts of circularity-oriented policies and measures on financial performance of agrifood organizations

P15 / M. Dieste, A. Galeazzo, L. Macchion (IT)
Understanding employee acceptance of digital technology towards a Sustainable Industry: a theoretical framework